Bueno por fin me decidí a instalar linux el problema radica en que no tengo mucha idea y se que hay varios "modelos"(perdón xD) de linux como mandrake, ubuntu, debian, red hat y quien sabe cuantos más que no estoy enterado. Como se que acá hay varios linuxeros a ver si me dan una mano y me recomiendan alguno.
Gracias desde ahora =D
No es Sayounara ni Sayônara es Sashonara lean bien ¡¡ SASHONARA !!
Estaría bueno saber que PC tenés más o menos (micro, RAM, etc.)
En caso de tener una PC minimamente moderna (Sempron 1800+, 512 por ej.), te recomiendo Ubuntu, podés bajarte la versión actual 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" o esperar 10 días a que salga la última 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon", o bajar la beta.
Te recomiendo bajar Feisty, (si no podés bajarla, yo te puedo pasar el CD) y después instalar la última cuando salga, no es por nada pero siempre en la primera instalación uno termina haciendo las cosas bastante peor que cuando uno ya tiene algo de experiencia :P.
en cualquier caso te recomiendo la página del LUG al que pertenezco y que vayas haciendo consultas en la lista de correos (es un grupo de usuarios de Oro Verde y Paraná) : http://www.lugoroverde.com.ar
-- Edited by Spooky J at 00:50, 2007-10-08
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
debería decir AMD64 el sticker, probablemente sea de 32 el tuyo
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
Ah, me olvidaba, cualquier cosa si necesitas más ayuda suscribite a la lista del LUG.
Bueh, me voy a dormir, saludos!
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
que bueno, uno mas al darksid... digo. el formulario es sencillito. Eso de desktop y server es para que marques lo que tenes si un desktop o un server. vos tendrias que poner algo como desktop : 7.04 pc: Standard location : brazil (NO, te recomiendo los servers de argentina (me acabo de dar cuenta que ni siquiera existen)) y start download.
Por favor: Sean corteses - Lean las FAQ's - No desvirtuen los posts.
Ya descargué el CD ahora que hago. Lo quemo y lo booteo?
Sip quemalo y bootealo, la instalación de Ubuntu es bastante fácil, tendrías problemas solamente en caso de tener hardware no soportado, lo cual es muy raro hoy en día.
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.