Vos capas que hablas de Guerreras Magicas..[MKR... ni loca lo escribo XD] yo tambien mire Saber team in Akihabara... pero también me sacaron el Locomotion
animax es un sorcho, con probabilidades que me maten, toda la vida quisiendo ver Excel saga y ese doblaje,.... me lo voy a bajar nomas, no hay nada como el free choice.
Por favor: Sean corteses - Lean las FAQ's - No desvirtuen los posts.
Nande wrote:toda la vida quisiendo ver Excel saga y ese doblaje,....
Chiste malo a lo Raúl Portal, aguante "OpenOffice.org Calc saga" jurujujajú, hop, hop, hop.
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
Si, pero era tan malo que logre que nadie le de bola a thread, viva yo :P
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
paso para hacer algo que no acostumbro hacer y que es trabajo de Eddie Elric. Voy a desvirtuar un poco diciendo lo siguiente: BLAH..... Nos vemos en mi próximo posteo.