Ahora que tengo su atención ^^, visto que hay gente que frecuenta imageboards (4chan, hongfire,DA, etc.etc.) y sitios así en general, sería piola que comparta walls de anime para el resto de los mortales. Eso si suban a imageshack o a un sitio que haga thumbnails. les dejo uno:
también pongan request :D.
-- Edited by Spooky J at 14:01, 2007-06-28
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
O_o? usando telequinesis? podes subir imagenes al foro cuando posteas, fijate que dice adjuntar imagenes (attach files). pero no te deja subir cosas muy grandes. creo q hasta 9 kb
Por favor: Sean corteses - Lean las FAQ's - No desvirtuen los posts.
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
Che que cortada se pego este thread, hago un request, algun wallpaper de anime bien oscuro o con colores cálidos. Estoy usando un tema de escritorio completamente negro ...
Se que no es 4chan, pero pido aca porque allá son unos barderos ¬¬.
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.
de hecho es Lelouch de Code Geass, serie de mechas, con diseño de personajes de CLAMP, buenísima serie.
said the demons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles.
John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the demons"
And then John was a zombie.